Already as a child I dreamed about my own dog.
My dream came true when I was 10 years old.
Jacky - a red cocker spaniel - my first dog.
He was a wonderful companion for plays and walks.
He showed me how true and unconditional is the love of a dogs' heart.

When I was 17 years old, during a holiday in Spain I met a wonderful golden dog. He amazed me with his beauty, intelligence, temperament and will to please his owner... GOLDEN RETRIEVER.
Already then I knew that one day a dog like him will live in my home.

The dream, it came true a bit unexpected 5 years later.
Maksymilian - my first golden and also the first really my dog.
Together we learned the ups and downs of true dog - human friendship.
He made me love this breed to bits.
He changed my whole life.
He painted my world gold...

Doggie friends and companions. Long lasting discussions, journeys together. Walks, training, shows...
Today it is the most important part of my life.

My world is the few cold noses and wagging tails. Few pairs of eyes, always full of love, acceptation and devotion.

My dogs live at home. They are part of the family and best friends. Partners for journeys, long walks and quiet evenings at home.
Loved and spoiled...sometimes a bit too much ;-)

In 2005 my kennel was officially registered
with the Polish Kennel Club and the FCI
under the QDORE prefix.
That year also my first litter was born.

Our puppies are raised at home together with people, cat and other dogs. Their birth is a great happening and time spend with on rising them is an unforgettable experience.

My wish is that dogs of this special breed will be with me for the rest of my life and that the puppies bred by me will lead a happy, healthy and long life with their loving owners.

In 2010 for my contribution to cynology I was awarded a bronze badge of honor Polish Kennel Club.

In 2013, I passed the exam and become assistant of Polish Kennel Club.

I would like to thank a few persons without whom my life would not be like it is today.

Thank you ...

My Mother - for believing with me, accepting and supporting the way I have chosen

Małgosia - for being there for me in the past, now and always (even when she is not around)

Paweł - for having lots of patience, for making friends enthusiastically and for all that love

Grzesiek - for every good things, for your help and open heart

Marcin - for Maxymilian

Tatiana - for my wonderful Red and the big trust in me

Ewa - for "my" first black & white litter and lots of valuable advises and experiences

Diane & Casper - for very special time of my life and for my princess Cleo

Ala - for being very professional puppysitter

Slawek - for many beautiful photos

Karolina - for support of making my dream come true and for our Synek

Owners of my puppies - for love and care for my little kids

Friends from the Lublin branch of Polish Kennel Club...a group of wonderful people, dog passionates - for accepting me as a part of their world, for showing me how much joy working and playing together can give, for always being there to help and to support.

Agnieszka Lukaszczyk
